Thursday, May 19, 2011

Health, Contraceptives and Faith - A Look Into the RH Bill Chaos

We are out of control. 

Bishops threatening to commit crimes. Lawmakers fighting in public and losing the people's respect. This is us now. This is what the controversial RH Bill has done to as. We are a nation divided; out of control and divided by faith, beliefs and the will to live long and be prosperous.

The RH Bill was dead and now resurrected. A bill I have heard of years before this chaos started. A bill that once passed will be an immediate solution to the population outburst. Why then should it be a cause for our divide? Answer: Lack of dissemination of information. I honestly believe that if the people were given facts (as in the entire content of the bill) instead of just reading about its hidden agendas in the web we would have less drama.

The most powerful critics of this bill are the Catholic Church leaders. (I respect their beliefs, honor their suggestions but they are now the ones looking like villains.) The very ones who lead most of Filipinos in their everyday lives and also the ones who threaten not to pay taxes if ever the bill passes. Very Leaderly I must say. THERE IS SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE. The Church cannot or will not dictate laws. No one is above it and threatening to disobey appointed leaders (yes your authority figures, ones of which the Bible says obey) is very childish and evil. Men were given (by God) the freedom of choice who then are you to go above that to the extent of excommunicating a man for his choice and belief? I suggest CBCP to read your Bible, Jesus never turned anyone away. Please do as you preach. You are acting like the childish friars in Rizal's days.

Probably what the people fear of this law is its ability to rob the youth of their innocence (other than the fear of killing the youth). But are the youth innocent? I cannot speak in general but for my part, based from my childhood, our children are not so innocent anymore. I never had "The Talk" with my parents. Going to a private Catholic school in my elementary days I learned of women's monthly periods from boys (weird huh they knew more than I did). I was six and the boys in my class were talking about it like something dirty. I learned about reproduction when I was seven (from overhearing boys in my class... again). These were children reared by well off and middle class families - the sheltered ones, what then of the ones who grew up in poverty? think they were more innocent than my classmates? I also remember one of my high school teachers teaching us sex education and saying there's nothing wrong about it (the act or its education) when I was twelve. So I say, I believe high school juniors and seniors are ready for "The Talk".

I am against abortion. I am a Christian and I'm not ashamed to say that (as to what I know of the RH Bill) I am for it. As long as it does not legalize abortion and plainly legalizes use of contraception. I am not afraid to voice out my opinion. I advise young professionals to voice out theirs too. 

Comment if you want =).

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