Monday, March 21, 2011

Heroes Die Young

Heroes are a vastly extinct commodity these days.  Most speakers say were running out of them but the truth is a hero is born almost every second. Each and everyone of us was born a hero. The Philippine birth rate is 26.42 births /1000 population.Consider the surplus in the Philippines alone! What happened to us? Where is Rizal? Where is Bonifacio?

We simply gave in and gave up. No one desires to die for the country or fellowmen. The Philippines, the Filipino is simply NOT worth dying for anymore. This is what we grew up to know, this is what we learned through the years. The heroes will forever live in books and words of mouth. We know but we never learned.

The heroes of today were smothered in their cribs - infants that were raised either pampered or depraved. Parents of high stature teach their children to think of themselves and no one else. We learned selfishness first and then came stinginess. (And you wonder why great leaders' children fail to uplift us from suffering) While those below the poverty line let out a wild rumpus in the world. Children left alone to fend for themselves and learn things they shouldn't even know. Innocence lost.

We kill our own heroes; murdering them in their slumber. We turn them into heartless robots then we dare search for someone different. There is no lack of heroes just an overwhelming supply of selfishness and depleting compassion. 

Demand and Supply. You want one? Then either raise one or become one! Stop pointing fingers. It is easier said than done. Be willing to unlearn what the modern culture has taught you. Then we get what we have always wanted - A HERO.


  1. tomohhhh. :D -jev

  2. maybe that made then distinct... the extinct thing wasak!
