Japan, the land of the rising sun, the samurai, sushi, chopsticks and anime. A country recently struck by disaster and calamities. A country that despite the chaos and turmoil choose to keep tact. A nation undivided by the devastation. A land and people we, Filipinos, deeply admire.
We were too eager to help. Events were held for their cause, pay cuts were offered and a whole lot of hands were raised to help. If summed up the money we collected for Japan and her people amount to millions. This is how much we care for them, how great we admire their courage and how much we hate our own.
Yes you read it right. There is no error. I'm not saying they don't need the help. If I could, I would be there helping clean up and reorganize. What I'm saying is we, the Philippines, need the help more than they do. The help that comes from ourselves.
We look but don't see. Do you think the children in evacuation centers in Japan eat only once a day? Do you think the old people there have to ask for alms just to get by? How many out of school youth do they have? What about YOUR COUNTRYMEN? You think the child on the street ate anything this morning? Last night?
See we as a nation would flood the money and care out rather than take care of our own. Look into it and ask yourself DO YOU LOVE ANOTHER COUNTRY MORE THAN YOUR OWN?
We just want to help. I get it, really I do. But are we really fit to help someone else? You can't save a drowning person if you can't swim.
The problem is we are too eager to jump ship - the Philippines. I'm no Navy woman but this I know: a battleship is not complete without her men. A battleship is a well oiled synchronized machine. A man out of post, a single mistake will either cause her to be an easy target for missiles or cause her to sink. A captain does whatever it takes to keep her afloat, he never jumps ship. Those who love and dedicate themselves to the success of the mission NEVER JUMP SHIP.